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Who we are 

a house of art - studio dárt

Nette has previously worked as a gallerist and art consultant in Scandinavia. She began her career as an artist and received various awards and scholarships early on. Today, she is represented in a number of different county councils and art collections in Sweden. For the last 30 years Nette has helped build some of Sweden's largest photographic galleries including The PhotoGallery in Halmstad, Sweden. And now she is thrilled to bring her love of art and artists to France. 

Marie has worked as a project manager in the travel industry and in the financial industry in Sweden. She also ran her own company focusing on group development in companies, conflict management as well as personal development for several years. Art, photo and interior design have always been  an interest on the side. Being able to devote herself to it now is a gift. And doing it in France is very exciting.

The Studio Causses and The Gallery Causses offer an art oasis to settle down among antique furniture, arts and crafts by various artists from Europe. We various culture activities, exhibitions as well as  working space.

Welcome to us

Nette & Marie

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